Monday, November 16, 2009

Time to Type "The End"

Tip of the Day: This is a periodic public service announcement. Backup your word processing files. Have you saved your writing to a stick drive lately?

Revisions are done, line editing is done, and it's time to virtually step away from another huge folder on my c drive. I've spent lots of time on my tween paranormal, but now it's completed. It's time to work on a new project.

I always feel weird when this happens. It's almost like moving to a new town. I have to meet new people, figure out where all the important buildings are, and say goodbye to the characters I knew so well.

To make it worse, I have a few projects competing for what to work on next, and I'm having a hard time making up my mind. I have a haunted house novel that I feel needs an entire rewrite, a graphic novel script I started in Fast Draft January, and a shiny new idea that needs a lot of research.

To paraphrase Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, I need a Brain Switch Gearerator.
I always feel happy the first time I type "The End" on a project, after the first draft. Yahoo, finally, I can start revising!! But the last time I type "The End" makes me feel a little adrift. I guess it's time to be the new kid in a new town again.

-- Kate, Miss Perfecting the Pages


DeenaML said...

Yay Kate!!! I think HQ is hilarious and brilliant. Crossing fingers for tons of requests!

Shiny new idea??? OOOOOH!

Lisa Schroeder said...

Wooot, you finished!! Have you started querying yet? That's next, right!?

Emily Marshall said...

Yay Kate. Congrats on finishing and have fun on your new beginning!

Kate Fall said...

Thanks! Yes, the queries are going out. Keep your fingers crossed for me!