Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Schedules Anyone?

Tip of the Day: Uh-oh, I've been reading about how the brain works again. The more you train yourself to positive thoughts, the more they overwhelm the negative, reducing stress-related wear on your neurons. So say something nice to yourself today!

I've been experiencing technical difficulties today, and I haven't been able to post all day. So I apologize for the lateness and I'll make this short and snappy.

My kids have less than two weeks left of school!

Now I work outside the home all day while they're at school, so their school time never could be my writing time. Summer means more free time for me. No more homework, no more Scout meetings, no more saxophone lessons, no more baseball practice or choir concerts or packing lunches.

Of course, it also means good luck getting the kids in bed before 10 p.m. So I'll have to shift my writing schedule. Instead of writing after they go to bed, my new plan is to kick them out of the house after dinner and write until the mosquitoes drive them indoors.

Have you planned out your summer writing time? Does it change for you--or do you live in one of those states where school ended weeks ago and the kids are already in your hair during your writing time?

Whatever your plan is, I hope you dare to come up with one. If you know when your writing time is supposed to be, I think you'll have a much better chance of showing up at the keyboard regularly. So what's your summer schedule?

-- Kate, Miss Perfecting the Pages


Andrea Mack said...

My plan is to get up early (5 am) - the birds around here don't let me sleep anyway - and work on writing in the mornings while they're still lazing about and getting up.

DeenaML said...

Go Andrea!!! I'm gonna try to get up at 8 AM on Sats and Suns and work out and write some before the manpanion is up....

Carmella Van Vleet said...

My plan is try to get up a little bit before the kids. (Not terribly difficult as mine are all teenagers and sleep in till 10:00 if I let them.) I also bough myself some brand new noise canceling headphones for when they're awake.

Christina Farley said...

Great post! I'm the same way. Summer means lots of time to write because I'm not teaching. Sure, I've got little ones but when I'm not exhausted from teaching it's a lot easier to wake up early early like Andrea.