Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Developing your Business Side

Tip of the Day: try going vegan for two weeks. You'll never enjoy ice cream and chocolate as much as you will when you are finished!

We all know this writing business has a lot more to it than just writing. And it's easy to get overwhelmed in the business-aspect of growing a writing career.

You might find yourself in a constant spin of wondering...
  • Do I really need a professionally designed Web site before submitting to agents or editors?
  • How much time should I be spending on Twitter now, before having a book published?
  • How many queries should I be sending a week?
  • How do you write the best possible query letter to catch an agents attention?
So why is it that it's hard to drown out all the business aspects, even when you don't have a book coming out.

1.) you want to be competitive
2.) you want to appear as if you know what you are doing
3.) you want to create buzz that could lead to a book sale
4.) you want to feel cool...like you are part of the in crowd.

It's so easy to get lost in all the marketing, advertising, and promotions that you forget about what is most important...the book.

So to all of you in this same boat, maybe we should all make a mass exit off of Twitter, the Internet, and worrying about sales...

And then jump right back into working on our books!!!

And when time permits, then--and only then--can we work on marketing, promotion, and the business-side of things.

Who's with me?

--Emily, Miss Querylicious

1 comment:

DeenaML said...

It's so true!!! It's easy to get caught up in the what you *should* be doing side of things -- that you forget to write your next book! :)